What is my screen resolution

Screen resolution in pixels

1280 x 720

Screen width: 1280 pixels

Screen height: 720 pixels

Display ratio: 16:9

Screen orientation: landscape-primary

Browser screen width: 1280 pixels

Browser screen height: 720 pixels

Screen resolution statistics

Common screen resolutions of rapidtables.com visitors:

Screen resolution Display
Usage Screen size / type
1366x768 16:9 19.1% 14'' Notebook / 15.6'' Laptop / 18.5'' monitor
1920x1080 16:9 9.4% 21.5'' monitor / 23'' monitor / 1080p TV
1280x800 8:5 8.5% 14'' Notebook
320x568 9:16 6.4% 4'' iPhone 5
1440x900 8:5 5.7% 19'' monitor
1280x1024 5:4 5.5% 19'' monitor
320x480 2:3 5.2% 3.5'' iPhone
1600x900 16:9 4.6% 20'' monitor
768x1024 3:4 4.5% 9.7'' iPad
1024x768 4:3 3.9% 15'' monitor
1680x1050 8:5 2.8% 22'' monitor
360x640 9:16 2.3%  
1920x1200 8:5 1.7% 24'' monitor
720x1280 9:16 1.6% 4.8'' Galaxy S
480x800 3:5 1.1%  
1360x768 16:9 0.9%  
1280x720 16:9 0.9% 720p TV

Screen resolution detection with Javascript

You can get the screen size with screen.width and screen.height properties.

You can get the available screen size with screen.availWidth and screen.availHeight properties.

For example:

alert(screen.width+' x '+screen.height);


See also

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